
Тема уроку: Pastime and Hobbies

Навчальна мета уроку:

  • Узагальнити та систематизувати  лексичний  матеріал теми;


Розвиваюча мета уроку:

формувати і розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення;

—  розвивати навичка аудіювання та читання;

—  розвивати комунікаційні здібності учнів;


Виховна мета уроку:

  • виховувати інтерес до корисних захоплень, читання, з користю проводити вільний час.


Тип уроку: Підсумковий урок

Обладнання: Навчальна програма для 5 класу, підручник, робочий зошит,

Компютер, презентація, мультимедійна установка.



Хід уроку:





  1. Greeting and Aim: Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку:


T: Good morning dear pupils! The topic of our lesson today is

«Pastime and hobbies».  At the lesson you’ll know a lot of new words,

we’ll sing a song, watch an interesting movie, listen to the text about

reading, read the text about  hobbies, speak about your favorite hobbies and do crossword puzzle. Let’s start our lesson.

2. Warming up Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

 Учні прослуховують пісню в аудіо запису, хором співають.



  1. Vocabulary Practice. Активізація тематичної лексики:


T:  Dear boys and girls! Look at the word-map. You can see

the word «pastime». This word means to spend free time with pleasure.

Tell me please what  do you like to do with pleasure?

Учні переглядають перелік слів на дошці і відповідають на запитання,

Починаючи свої відповіді з  «we like…» у режимі:

Т-Р1, Р2, Р3 і т.д.

2. The cartoon «Work and Play». Перегляд мультиплікаційного

Фільму Work and Play».


T: Pupils, tell me please, what do the children like to do most of all?

Of course, the children most of all like to play. Now we’ll watch

The movie «Work and Play».  Be attentive while watching, because

We’ll do an exercise.

3. Speaking Activity. Проведення інтерактивного опитування за змістом мультиплікаційного фільму.


Учитель читає речення з мультфільму і пропонує дітям

відповісти на запитання  кому з персонажів належить кожна фраза.

Режим роботи: Т-Р1, Р2, Р3 і т.д.

4. Vocabulary Practice. Активізація тематичної лексики:


T: Dear boys and girls!  Look at the word-map. You can see

the word hobby. Tell me please what hobby do you know?

So, boys and girls, we know different hobbies. But tell me

Please what hobby is the best, the most usefull? Of course

It is reading. Now, my dears, listen to a text about this hobby

5. Listening Activity «Reading is the best Hobby»

А) учні прослуховують текст в аудіо запису;

В) учні відповідають на запитання до тексту, спираючись

На речення-запитання на дошці у режимі Т-Р1, Р2, Р3 і т.д.

С) учні виконують завдання на картках.

6. Listening Activity «How we spend our free time»

T: Now, my dears, we’ll speak about how schoolchildren

Spend free time.

А) учні прослуховують текст в аудіо запису;

В) учні відповідають на запитання до тексту

У режимі Т-Р1, Р2, Р3 і т.д.

7. Reading Activity « Hobbies differ like tastes»

Учням пропонується прочитати текст про

Різноманітні захоплення.


The word «HOBBY» came from English. In England many people have pets-dogs, cats and horses. They are members of the families. In old times farmers showed great love for horses – Robby, Dobby and Hobby. And Hobby were the most popular names for horses. People used the name «Hobby» for toy horses. Many years later, the word «hobby» got it’s present meaning – «things you do in your free time».

People have different hobbies now – reading, going to the theatre, museums, art galleries, cinema. Some people like gardening, cycling, playing chess, playing computer games.

Many children like drawing, making handicraft, playing musical instruments. Collecting things – is very interesting hobby. You can collect stamps, coins, toys, badges, matchboxes, books, watches and even perfume bottles.

Children are very fond of travelling. It is so interesting to visit different countries and cities.

Many people have unusual hobby – cartoon animation. Many people like sport – football, tennis, hockey, swimming.

But some people are home-sitters – they like to stay at home watching TV and doing nothing.

The English proverb says – «Tastes differ». Hobbies differ like tastes.

8. Speaking Activity  My favorite Hobby

Dialogue № 1

  • What do you like to do in your free time?

What is your favorite hobby?

  • My study at school takes me most of my time.

But my favorite hobby is music.

I am playing the piano. Besides I am fond of singing, reading, art galleries, cinema.

What is your favorite hobby?

  • My favorite hobby is dancing.

I also like travelling, playing computer games, painting.




Dialogue 2

  • What do you like to do in your free time?

What is your favorite hobby?

  • I play football, tennis, hockey, cycling.

I would like to learn to play chess.

  • What do you like to do in your free time?

What is your favorite hobby?

  • My favorite hobby is sport too.

I am fond of running, skiing, skating and swimming.

Besides I am fond of photography. It is expensive, but a lot of fun.



Dialogue 3

  • What do you like to do in your free time?

What is your favorite hobby?

  • My favorite hobby is collecting things. You may collect everything you want – stamps, coins, badges, CDs, postcards, toys, and even perfume bottles.

When you collect things you learn more about the countries, towns, cities of the world, history, famous people, places of interest.

What do you like to do in your free time?

What is your favorite hobby?

  • My favorite hobby is music.

I am playing the piano. Besides I am fond of drawing, painting. It is very interesting.



Dialogue 4

  • What do you like to do in your free time?

What is your favorite hobby?

  • My favorite hobby is travelling. It is so fun. I am going to visit different countries and cities in the future. And what about you? What is your favorite hobby?
  • I am a home-sitter. My favorite pastime is watching TV and listening to music.


Dialogue 5

  • What is your favorite pastime?
  • My favorite pastime is cooking. And what about you?
  • My favorite hobby is pets. I have a cat and a dog. They are members of my family.


9.  Writing  Activity.  Do the crossword puzzle.



  1. Homework Домашнє завдання

2. Summerizing Підведення підсумків уроку.

Учням пропонується відповісти на запитання:

  • Did you like our lesson?
  • What was the topic of our lesson?
  • What is your favorite hobby?

T: I think this lesson was useful for you.